Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Years Resolution: Be More Musicial

Here it is. Another close to to another year. I've never been one for the New Year's resolution in the past. I've had all of the standard "lose weight", "be more active", and "do more good things" resolutions. I've obviously keep all of those... So I decided to make a challenging one for the year of 2014. Perhaps now you are wondering what a mysterious music-blogger could resolve to do. Maybe it is that I will blog more, or start a new blog, or make my blog better in some way, or find someone that actually reads blog any more. None of those I'm afraid. I already try to blog more. Looking at my history, you might find that I took something of a hiatus... for the most of 2012 and 2013. So what do I actually resolve to do in 2014? Well, learn more instruments.

I've been a guitarist fore most my life. I learned my first chords when I was about 12 years old. I haven't been the most devote student of the guitar. For a time, I focused on learning the drums. I had a friend that let me join his band with the caveat that I learn and play the drum for said band. It was my first "real" band and I jumped at the chance. I love playing percussion. I don't post much about drumming because I am really a laymen in that area. I could talk about what I like and don't like about drums and drum gear... kind of like this blog. Anywho! Would you like to know what instrument I plan to learn this learn and who I plan to do so? You absolutely would?! That great, because I was planning on doing that anyways. (By the way, you are really agreeable. It's almost like I'm imagining your entire side of the conversation.)

The plan: I learned to play the instrument that I do when I was much younger and the only thing I had to worry about was not failing school and playing music. Of course I thought myself to be Tony Hawk and Jimi Hendrix all rolled into one. To be honest I've already tried to learn new instruments. Its really frustrating. I'm surprised I was ever able to learn the instruments that I do know.  I get frustrated so easily and when I don't start playing angel farts from the word go then I want to throw said instrument across the room. Pro tip: don't try throwing a piano. So what do I plan on learning and how do I guarantee the learning of the instruments in the future. First things first, I plan to learn Violin and Banjo. Kinda random, I know, but I've been want to learn the violin for some time and the banjo is becoming a very popular instrument as of late. How will I do this when attempts have failed before? Scheduling. I will schedule time for each instrument every week. It is easy to get frustrated and spend time making yourself feel better by picking up something that is more familiar, but learning is a discipline.

So there you have it. 2014 is the year of new instruments. I tried several years ago to learn the violin, so I still have the fiddle, but I have to acquire a banjo. If there is anyone out there that has a banjo they'd like to donate then feel free to comment and let me know. Happy New Year, everyone!