Monday, January 22, 2018

NAMM 2018:Vox MV50 Boutique Hybrid Amp Head

Following the release of the first three super-compact amp heads using Nu Tube technology, Vox has released another. Calling it "Boutique" Many are speculating that these heads will be Dumble inspired. Starting around the time Orange released their Micro Terror heads, the idea of tiny of tiny amps have started catching on. In the past, these little amps were mere novelties, but now they capture more of the sound of their larger kin. Fitting these amp with practical features that many want with a larger amp added to 50 watts of power and Vox have put together rather impressive amps. But let's focus on the Boutique...

What is a Dumble, anyways...

Dumble is to amplifiers as Klon is to pedals. I'm not saying that a Dumble isn't a wonderful amp, but let's not kid ourselves. Guitarists are a superstitious bunch. The Klon Centaur wouldn't be the pedal it is today if they started mass producing them. That is to say, they wouldn't be able to fetch thousands of dollars and have countless clones if the original was readily available. If Dumble started producing amplifiers like Fender or Vox, would they have the same mystique? Possibly not. Would they cost as much as a Porsche? Absolutely not.

Is It A Dumble?

Let's not get carried away. These little head do a fine job, but lets not forget that Vox put out an AC version. If Vox actually believed that these amp sound as good as the amps that inspired them, then they have done a great disservice to their bottom line. Would you buy a Vox AC amp with 50 watts for 200 dollars? I know I would. Does the MV50-AC sound like a Vox, sure... kinda. They gave it the Vox-y chime, but it's not in that league. It's somewhere between the Valve Reactor series ( which is somewhere dying in a fire hopefully) and the current AC tube amps. So what about the Boutique? It's probably something like that. Kinda like putting a "Dumble-pedal" in front of Blues Jr. But you know, it's an amp.


Do I like it? Yeah, I kind of do. The features and functions of these amps are rather impressive. More importantly, the development of new/Nu tube technology is important. If they can replicate tube tones with this, then that's very exciting. The features of the Nu Tube seems a bit like snake oil. They've been trying to replace tubes for ages. Guitarists in general love their old tech, so even if these do perform just like tubes, they are fighting an uphill battle. My biggest concerns about the Boutique are the same ones that I have for the rest of them. There is a single Tone knob. The controls, in general, look like they belong more on a pedal than a head. Maybe they should make an MV series amp with more robust controls...

1 comment:

  1. The toneking gremlin also has one tone knob, so does Victory rk50 as people like Ritchie Kotzen and Josh Smith like 1 knob that functions rather than the 3 tone knobs you get on most amps. Normally when you get the setting you like you leave it there anyways
