Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Most Important Rule For Getting Better At ANY Instrument

I teach music and several instrument. I am asked all the time, "What will help me get better at ____". You can fill that blank in with anything you want and my answer will be the same. My guitar student ask me how they can get better at switching between chords. My drum students ask how to help they right/left independence. This is my best tip/hint/trick whatever, and I'm giving it to you for free on the internet. I am a guitarist of nearly 20 years and I use this in my practice (when I'm doing it right).


That's it. Practice makes you better, but it makes you better at what and how you practice. If you practice sloppy, you'll play sloppy. If you practice clean and perfect, then you'll play clean and perfect. Practice makes perfect, but only at what you practice. Slow down and get it right. Speed comes with time. Also, the more consistent your practice, the faster you progress. So how do you get better? Practice. How do you get better faster? Practice consistently. Instead of playing for 2 hours once a week, try to play everyday for 15/30 minute.

There you have it. That's my most valuable tip/trick/hint I can get. There is not magic bullet. It comes with work. but you can make the most of you practice by following these rule. Get out there, practice, and be AWESOME!

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