Thursday, January 26, 2017

Ugly Guitar Truth: DOD Rubberneck Analog Delay

DOD just released the information on their newest analog delay. there is a lot more than meets the eye with pedal. It has 1.5 seconds of delay time, adjustable rate and depth of modulation, bypassable buffer (tails/no tail), quarter/eighth/dotted eighth note subdivides. There is a rubbernecking feature that allows "rubber band" stretched sound, whatever that really means. You can hold the tempo footswitch and engage a regen effect with an adjustable parameter. An actual effects loop will let you insert effects that only affect your trails. Lastly, there is a remote input, so there you go. That all seems fine. Is there any ugly truth. Well...

It's Actually A Strong Offering

So, you look at the features and you can get a little overwhelmed. It seems like you have way more than you could make use of. The features are really all related. For delay users that really capitalize on the analog part of this pedal, the feature list make a lot of sense. You might be tempted to call this a 'shoegazer' pedal. But really, the interface is simple enough to quickly set or tweak. But it is $250. Is that good or bad? Well, take a look at similar pedals: EHX Deluxe Memory Man, Empress Tape Delay.. It's spot on really. It actually packs a lot of features in a pretty package for a reasonable amount of money. Not to mention that it sorta has a feature that is somewhat unique.


I like it. I want to use it and experience the rubbernecking feature for myself. I don't think it would get a spot on my pedalboard though. I really dig these analog delays. They make really cool noises. But digital delay do it well enough. And that might be the ugliest truth. I would put a Boss DD-500 on my board because it could probably do 95% of what this pedal does and then a lot more. Not to mention it is in the small ball park cost wise. I can't tell you that  you should pay 250 dollar for a pedal that does so much less, but if you are in the market for an analog delay that does neat things, this one is a great option.

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1 comment:

  1. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information elastomech
