Friday, January 27, 2017

Ugly Truth: Fox Pedals

I loved watching NAMM coverage this year. Seems like attendance is hardly necessary any more. All the cool new gadgets are getting shown off and I have to do is click some buttons and enjoy other pedal walking around and doing all the work. Also, if I were there, I'd probably have to play the guitar at the booths and I'm sure by the third day, no one will want to hear me play 'Back In Black' any more. Sadly, it seems to be the only song that comes to mind when I'm put on the spot to play something 'cool'.

Story time over, I've personally discovered Fox Pedals while viewing NAMM stuff, and I have to say that they absolutely are stunning. Some of their pedals look like something out of a Eric Carle book and others just have pretty graphics that seem to graphic describe the sounds made with the pedal. So, they are an emerging pedal maker and they look great. Is that, like, it?

Yeah, Kinda

I don't know a lot about the company, I do know that they make a range of pedals, The most impressive one being The Wave. It is a delay that does various washy, trippy, and unique sounds that really don't seem to be easily duplicated by other pedals out there. Their Kingdom pedal is a transparent overdrive that can crank up into almost fuzzy tones when pushed. (how's that for range) They showed off a fuzz, the Defector. The name and tones give me Russian Big Muff vibes, but I'm sure the pedal holds cool features.


Really, this whole post is one big conclusion. These pedals are very interesting. They are boutique and have the advantage of being able to push boundaries in ways that larger companies really can't. It looks like these guys have some great ideas and I'd like to see more from them. Really cool stuff. 

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