Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year's Resolutions

It's New Years Day and I'm sitting, once again in my favorite spot to write. The Christmas Tree has vacated my corner and I get to spend the next little while composing my thought as the fire in the fireplace dies. I'm not much for New Year's Resolutions, but I thought I might post a little bit about what the last year has meant to me and what I plan to do in the upcoming year. 

First of all, thank you for reading. I think this would have died a long time ago had I not seen a large growth in readership. I'm actually not sure what the cause of the growth that I've seen in the last year, but according to the numbers, you've probably found my blog in the last year. I'm very grateful that anyone reads this, the support and positive comments have meant a lot. 2017 has been the best year yet. In every measurable way, the last year has surpassed every other year. I hope 2018 will be more of the same.

Moving Forward...

I look forward to expressing my opinion on all things guitar(ish) in 2018. I'm not going anywhere. I have a few loose goals, but we might as well call the resolutions. More scheduling. I'd like to be a little more structured with my posting. I've tried to stick to Monday, Wednesday, Friday, but sometimes there just isn't enough to talk about. I don't run a content mill so I won't post about every little thing. However, I appreciate when creators I follow post regularly or give heads up to when they take a break. I'll try to remember to do the same. As I continue to grow an audience, some may want to follow the blog and a warning as to when I take a break might be nice. No promises, this is a New Year's Resolution. You know those tend to go...

NAMM is coming up. I will do my best to cover everything I find of note coming out of NAMM. I look forward to the new products that we might see. If you would have asked me before NAMM 2017 what new products might we see, I'd have no answer. Instead, we saw Vox's NuTube line of amps, more pedalboard power amps, and the Pedal Plus sustain pedal. So, I'm looking forward to being surprised again this year. Winter NAMM is usually the bigger of the two trade shows, so I'm very excited to see what comes out of it. Obviously, I'll be trying to keep up with whatever comes out in the meantime. 


I'm going to try to be a little more active on social media. I don't like social media in general. I think that it's a little... stupid. However, it can be a useful tool for those looking for information or trying to connect. I've used it, somewhat successfully, in the past. I'll try to make more of it in the upcoming year. If you haven't found the blog's twitter, then just hit the link at the top of the page. Twitter is the best place to keep up with the blog. 

I wish everyone the best in 2018. Thank you, so much, for reading.

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