Spending my morning reading some threads over at the fretboard, I found one about the new Wampler Tumnus. One thing led to another and I found this page. Brian Wampler, of Wampler pedals, seems to be very engaged with the online community. This isn't a surprise since he has a podcast and has even comment on this humble blog. Brian has engaged the people interested in his product better than most any other pedal developer.
When reading a the thread linked above, I noticed that there is a little disdain surrounding the Tumnus pedal. I enjoy the transparent-overdrive/treble-boosty qualities that come with a KLON circuit. I also enjoy saving space on crowded pedal boards. The Wampler Tumnus seemed to fill a gap in the KLONe offerings. Regardless, people seem to find fault will what Brian is doing. The idea that Wampler is only trying to cash in on making a compact KLON clone while that trend seem to be in full swing (thanks to the EHX Soul Food) is touted about. I find this a tad unsavory. It seems unfair to criticize a person for wanting to make a pedal that people want to buy. But this is what we find. Brian has done an excellent job of explaining why he has build this people (people asked him to).
Is There A Deluxe Version On The Way?
Allow me to step off my soap box for a moment and get back to the point at hand. If you clicked on the link at the beginning of this and read through everything, then you might have noticed that Brian alluded to a Deluxe Tumnus. Saying that if he put the circuit in a bigger box then he'd be temped to add extra features and mods. This is a more exciting prospect then a tiny KLON. So Brian, if you are reading this, please explore the Deluxe Tumnus. I have been a fan of your dirt pedals for a while and I have nothing but faith in your abilities to make an amazing pedal.
Your wish has come true!