Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ugly Truth About Mooer Mooergan Organ Simulator

Mooer is know as the leading innovato of tiny pedals. If they weren't the first to make tiny pedals, then they were the first to get recognized for making faithful replications of tested circuits in 1590A enclosures. They have done it again with non-other than EHX's B-9 in their sights. The Mooer Mooergan (pronounced /more-gan/) is an organ simulator. The few videos that have made it online suggest that it does its job. Is it a compact replacement for your B-9?

It's So Punny

I guess they just couldn't resist making the joke. I think they could have just stuck with naming it the Morgan and left let those who appreciate a good pun to draw the lines. Having said that, it is a tiny pedal doing the job of a pedal that four times its size. I love the fact that it can do this, however it limits the functionality of the pedal greatly. You can change the Wet and Dry signal and adjust the Modulation, but you are limited to the one organ sound. The Click knob isn't present either. That may not be a deal breaker, as you still have a very usable pedal when it is all said and done. Also, the size of this pedal reflects amount of time that it will actually be used.

Small Pedal, Small Blog

That pretty much it. I'm not going to rush out and sell my B-9. But those looking for an organ sound with a cramped Pedal board and tighter budget might be in luck. The sounds of an organ might be available to you yet. Does it sound as good? No. Is it as flexible? No. Does it make you think of an organ when you play through it? Yes. There is a gap in the 'sound like an organ' market. Mooer has done a good job of providing a tiny pedal that we could actually use.

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  1. Only ugly truth about this pedal is that they stop selling these before even start to selling so there is nowhere to find and buy

  2. sad... I should have had one before they stop selling it.. :(

    1. I think a lawsuit was threatened by EHX so the steal-and-market-as-your- own went nowhere.
