Monday, June 27, 2016

Ugly Truth: Evolution Guitars; Modular Guitars

There have been a lot of people that seek to improve the guitar. Many attempts have been embraced by small groups of people. Some like the 'silent' guitars that are composed of just the bare essentials to qualify as a guitar. Then you have headless guitars like the Steinberg. These designs have their fans, but they don't have the following that traditional guitar have. So Where does Evolution guitar fall? Will they be embraced by the masses, or will they find the niche and nothing more. Let's look at what we know.

The video shows us several examples of their guitar. The guitars appear to be your regular fair. Most if not all of these guitars look to be chambered, and for the most part, equipped with humbuckers. So their biggest innovating feature is the faceplate system. The neck and the body stay put and the faceplate can be swapped out. This allows you to change pickups, wiring, finish just as fast as you can unscrew and rescrew the 15 or so exposed pieces hardware. The face plates are made from laminate, so you can fuss about how "solid wood is better", but lets be honest, when your guitar is held together by a bunch of screws it's not going to make much of a difference.

I think these guitar look cool. I actually like the idea. But the final nail in the coffin is the pricing. Small guitar builder usually have larger prices. Unless they take manufacturing over seas, then you looking around a grand to get set up and a few hundred to swap faceplates. I'm a firm believer that your pickups are the largest contribution to the way your guitar sounds. I also think how your guitar is put together has a lot to do with it as well. While I think what these guys are doing is neat, I also think it's rather novel. Cool Idea guys.

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