Monday, January 15, 2018

NAMM 2018: Way Huge Pork and Pickle

Way Huge have unveiled the Pork and Pickle Bass Overdrive and Fuzz. For those that aren't a follower of Mr. Tripps, this looks like a combination of the Pork Loin overdrive and the Swollen Pickle fuzz. Bass player rejoice. Although maybe bass players already use Way Huge pedals in their sound, This pedal is designed with them in mind. The two blend knobs give the low-end thumpers the control over just how dirty they want to get. This pedal looks pretty spectacular.

The Details:

-Combines two great bass-friendly effects in a single housing
-The Pork Loin OD circuit provides warm, soft-clipping overdrive
-Russian-Pickle Fuzz provides thick, fatty fuzz
-Blend a sauced up clean signal with either circuit
-Control interface offers a wide range of tweakable tones

The Way Huge® Pork & Pickle™ Bass Overdrive & Fuzz™ serves up a perfectly balanced diet of gnarly tones for bass players who like to get down and dirty. The first ever bass pedal from Way Huge, this delectable dish combines the warm, soft-clipping tones of the Pork Loin Overdrive and the rich, fatty tones of the Russian Pickle Fuzz in a single package. To toggle between the two, just flip the OD/Fuzz switch.

The Volume, Tone, and Drive controls perform their standard functions, applying to whichever dirt circuit is selected. This pedal has the Pork Loin Overdrive’s distinct sauced up clean channel from the Pork Loin Overdrive—a modified classic British style preamp—but it can be used with either mode. That means that, for the first time, you can run the Russian-Pickle Fuzz signal alongside that super sweet sounding clean channel. Stir in as much of the clean signal as you need with the Clean Blend control, and then use the Clean Tone control to season it to taste. If you’re the adventurous type, internal controls allow you to concoct more complex tonal recipes.

The Pork Loin and Russian-Pickle circuits each have a level control so you can set how much overdrive or fuzz is unleashed by external Volume control. Curve and Presence controls let you further refine the tone of the Pork Loin signal.

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