Thursday, October 11, 2018

Ugly Guitar Truth: EHX Mod Rex Polyrthymic Modulator

EHX is one of those companies that cannot be defined in a single sentence. Most people know them for their guitar effects. Many think of their Big Muff Fuzz pedals, others may think of the Memory Man analog delays when they hear EHX. But still, others think of their weird and/or wacky modulation pedals. EHX has done all of these things to varying degrees of success. The Mod Rex definitely fits into that last category. This is Ugly Guitar Truth, so let's look at this pedal.

While there are some terms that guitarists are familiar in the description of this pedal like Flange, Trem, Vibe, and Chorus this pedal is anything but ordinary. It is no wonder that the demonstration of the Mod Rex is as much synth mod as guitar pedal. The demonstrator shows how easy (once set up) to control and create spacey synth rock with this pedal. It's easy to get the impression that the pedal can make you the next Killers, but it is key to remember that the demonstrator is very talented and likely very familiar with the product.

It is true that I like EHX, there are a few things that we need to address. This pedal is impressive, but for a guitarist with a singular focus, this pedal may not be what you are looking for. Yes, it may give you a handful of mod options. It will allow you to control them in many ways that stand-alone pedal may not, but there is a lot in this box that may go completely unused. Not to say this unit isn't an impressive sound modulating tool, but there may be other options out there that better meet the needs of a guitarist looking to mix and blend filters.


For me, I'm passing on this unit. It has loads of features that I'm just not going to use. There are plenty of effects that offer similar feature sets that are more tailored for guitar application. While I commend EHX for their ever forward attitude towards new sounds and features, I'll pass.

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