Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Electro Harmonix Key9 Update

It has finally happened. Was now have teaser trailers for effect pedals. Just like when a major motion picture is upon us, we have gotten a glimpse of what the KEY9 pedal from Electro Harmonix can do. But is this the case of the "unwanted sequel"? I'm rather impressed by the authenticity of the voice this little box can achieve. Having said that, There are some let downs.

 So besides sounding amazing on "Somebody I Used To Know", this unit has a solid list of sounds that it really hits the mark. But if I'm being honest, the Rhoads sound was a little disappointing, but that be a strong case of "I already had a sound in my head and it doesn't live up to that exact specification even if that expectation might not be actually possible". That Rhoads that I mention is heavily influenced by the band that led me to fall in love with sound in the first place, Mutemath. If you don't know them, do yourself a favor and check out what they have to offer. If you are a fan of spacey-electro-rock that dips into a little bit of everything else, then they might be your thing. The band employs amount of Rhoads and that sound has haunted me ever since.

 Something That I like/don't like is the organ. Does it sound like an organ? Sure. But, do you think that the fans of this series of pedals wont already have a B/C9? Probably not. Even so, this pedal doesn't change on the fly very well. If you have one voice dialed in thing you have to wait for a break to flip you controls to another sound. Those wanting Organ and piano will have multiple pedals, so the organ setting is basically taking up space that we could have had another set of keys...

Should you get this pedal? Sure, it does some great thing that might come in handy for you. Do you often wish to make your guitar sound like other things? Then this pedal might be up you ally. If you like the B9 or C9, then this pedal might interest you as well. Want to turn your insane guitar solos into piano solos? Pump the brakes, make sure you get the sounds you want before picking this pedal up. The tracking sounds good, but there is a lot going on under the hood here. You might have to adjust your playing style to get the best results, but there is a lot of potential here.

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