Monday, November 23, 2015

Top 5 EHX Crayon Rumors

There has been a lot said about this pedal since it was teased by EHX a few days ago. Forums and blogs have been abuzz about how it shares it's name with a JHS pedal. Personally I am excited to check this pedal out for myself. There is a lot of speculation about what this pedal might have in common with other pedals. In other word: What kind of clone is this pedal. As exciting as it would be to have a inexpensive pedal to do the job of a pedal that might be financially out of reach of some player, other look at copy-cat pedals as rip-offs that are just attempts to make money off of other peoples work. No matter wear you fall on the issues of clones, new pedals are exciting. Lets look at what is being said about The Eletro Harmonix Crayon

It's a JHS Color Box Clone

Yep, this one is a little on the nose. JHS has not only put out a pedal of the same name, but they are similar in function as well. Some have mentioned the differences in the two, such as the toggle that is missing from EHX's pedal. Although they have added internal switches that match other clones. The Soul Food pedal has internal buffer switching. Maybe this is a little surprise they are waiting to expose closer to it's commercial release. EHX hasn't really been this spot on with a name before. The TS clone is almost entirely green, but it was named East River Drive. The Klon Centar gives clones lot opportunity to riff on the name, my favorite being the Tumnus from Wampler, but EHX went with Soul Food. Still don't really 'get it', but hey...

Mike as he hints that the Crayon is a Fulltone clone...

It's a Timmy Clone

This is a little more simple to unpack. The Crayon has four knobs. The Timmy has four knobs. The Timmy is a popular pedal. EHX has a habit of copying popular pedals. This one isn't as much reserch driven theory as it is process of elimination. Whats the most popular four knob, light-to-medium gain pedal on the market... That must be it. The Timmy is based on the Tube Screamer with more control over the EQ. It's a great pedal. It might, in fact, bear more than a passing resemblance to the Crayon. What I've heard so far doesn't really lead me to think that, but I'm wrong a lot.

It's an RC Booster

This one is a little bit of a stretch. The circuit could share some similarities, but the reasons the comparison has been made in the first place is just mind-blowing. So, people other than my self have stated that the link between these pedals are the names. Crayon begins with the letters C and R. Turn those around and you get RC. There you have it. Rock solid proof that the Crayon is a RC Booster. The RC is a popular four-knob pedal, so there is that as well. But like I said before, word play is not one of EHX's strong suits. Nor naming things in general. Muff, Cock Fight, Glove... eh, I guess we'll buy anything that we think sounds good.

It's a Soul Food With a JHS Type Mod

Jeez, I hope so. I would buy two if this was the case. The only thing is, this would be utterly stupid for EHX to do. Why put out a pedal so closely related to your other pedal, but better. The Bass Soul Food is just that, a four knob Soul Food, although the fourth knob with a signal mix. The pedal went form transparent overdrive to just transparent to the point you can't tell if it is on. But you'll notice that the extra feature came with extra cost. Again we have extra features with the bass knob, but no added cost this time. It looks like they are able to assemble these pedals for no more that the other affordable clones they've been putting out.  What makes this hold a little bit of water is the fact that they are marketing this 180 degrees from the Soul Food. The Soul Food is a "transparent overdrive" where as this is meant to "color" your tone. Now they can sale you two pedals to do the job that normally one pedal has done. Sneaky...

It's a Robert Cray pedal

This is fun, Robert Cray is a blue musician. I have him playing it the background as a write this right now. Fun fact, it been said that Mr. Cray doesn't use pedals. Although I hear delay on his guitar right now... anyhow. I have not been able to confirm and use of drive pedals in the video of the live set that I am playing currently. He does have a Fender and Matchless amp among other accessories (none of which are pedals) on stage to shape his tone. Why would he. He is employing overdriven amps to make his overdrive. Why use a pedal that emulates an amp when you can just use a cranked amp. Robert Cray's tone is awesome and I would buy just about any pedal that could make me sound like that. Why have people said that this is true? The name, and the fact that his tone is mostly clean, much like the Crayon. Cray...Crayon... just too close to not be mentioned...

What do I think about all this... well, in a few days it won't even matter. We will have all the answers. But it's fun to speculate in the meantime.


  1. with u on timmy clone. timmy is a rectangle much like the crayon

  2. Do you actually try any of these products, or do you just read gear forums and post cunty reviews?

    1. Actually, when this was written I hadn't yet tried one of these pedal. I imagine that very few people had, it wasn't released yet. However there were lots of rumor speculating it was a "close cousin' of another people, kind of like the Soul Food, Glove OD, and ERD. I actually own 2 of them and I really like the pedal. You can read my hands on review here:


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