Saturday, October 1, 2016

Ugly Truth About EHX Wailer Wah

So, I'll admit that I haven't been keeping my ear to the ground lately. That's probably why i was taken off guard by the announcement of EHX's new Wah pedal. I always get excited when I see a new product from Electro Harmonix because they reteenly crank out outstanding products and they keep consumer price low. These two thing are huge in my book. So, recently they told us that they are going to put out a pretty standard Wah. Huh... Let's see what we know.

It's Not Exactly New...

Yeah, this isn't ground breaking stuff. Big black wedge shaped rocker pedal with a mid-filter circuit inside. It's been done before... like a lot. So why is EHX putting out a standard wah? Not only is this well trodden ground for Dunlop and Vox, but it's rather familiar to EHX as well. Not as flexible as their Cock Fight pedal, this brick put the guts of the well-intentioned Crying Tone wah in a more conventional box. The Crying Tone had a lot going for it. The tones were talked about. The sweep and action were second to none, but there was one complaint that would torpedo this pedal. You couldn't hardly mount it to a pedalboard. So EHX have shoved a great wah in a conventional box. All good right?

It's Affordable, Lightweight and... Plastic?

That's right. EHX when old school with this pedal, but decided to make that familiar rocker out of plastic. They make a point to describe it as "heavy duty", but all that does for me is bring to mind those batteries that last about half as long as name brand ones. So we have our great sounding wah in a package that doesn't scare us and there isn't anything too crazy (like a LED when the pedal is on). So, if you can get past the fact that it is made out of plastic, then you can have yourself a Crying Tone wah for less money. Whats more is that the battery is probably behind a door. I don't know that, but I'm assuming they aren't going to include a solid plate bottom like its metal brethren. It does look like the 9v jack will go on the left like normal.


This looks to be a traditional spin on an original EHX wah. Those of us that fear change rejoice, we now don't have to get something "new" when we get a new pedal. Thank goodness. EHX pushes forward into the weird and wacky, but know that some of us need a little safety blanket too. Did I mention that it's only 62.50 USD? There's that too!

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