Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ugly Truth: TC Electronic Wiretap Riff Recorder

Have you ever wrote a riff that you were really excited about, then got distracted (by a shiny object or whatever) and then go back to your guitar to only realize that you can remember exactly what you play? TC Electronic has got your back. Building a recorder that fits on a pedal board is legit. I was pretty excited about the iRig, but quickly realized that its not exactly conducive for everyday use.

This pedal is smart. With the Wiretap app on your phone, you can connect via Bluetooth to trim, transfer, or share riffs. Your phone can also act as a remote if you don't feel like actually messing with the pedals controls.

The Ugly Part

For the most part this pedal is pretty solid. It has a street price of $99, but its not giving you much more than a go between for your guitar and your phone. Not exactly sure how much internal storage the pedal actually has, but it does record in 24-bit audio. The similarities with the Dito pedal are there. I'm not sure if this couldn't have been rolled into a 'Dito with extra features' type pedal, thus giving it more functionality and practicality. The hardware alone might be a little underwhelming, but the success of the pedal is going to come from the quality of the app and if it can transition into a live-tool rather than home-only type deal.

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